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Autor Thema: Age of Conan  (Gelesen 121395 mal)


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Re: Age of Conan
« Antwort #45 am: 18:07:04 ,03 Mai 2008 »

... Was RAM betrifft: 2 Gig kosten derzeit um die 50 €, allerdings dachte ich immer, dass XP eh nicht mehr als 2 verwalten kann? ...

Ich habe mich damit länger nicht mehr beschäftigt, aber wenn ich das richtig in Erinnerung habe, stehen die Dinge da wie folgt: WinDoof XP kann einem einzelnen Programm max. 2GB zur Verfügung stellen, und das oberste der 4GB ist durch diverse andere HW nicht benutzbar. Immerhin hätte AoC so seine 2GB allein, ohne den ganzen Rest (WinDoof, Treiber, Services, etc.), der noch 1GB für sich hat. Allerdings kann man durch ein wenig BIOS-/WinDoof-Kung-Fu (Auslagerungsdatei in RAM-Disk oder so, etc.) die Ausnutzung wohl ein wenig verbessern. Weiß da jemand Genaueres? Links? Persönliche Leidensgeschichten?


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Re: Age of Conan
« Antwort #46 am: 12:30:41 ,04 Mai 2008 »

Kleines Update zur Performance:

Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. Habe AoC nochmal angestestet und bin fast vom Stuhl gefallen, als es mit 30-40 fps lief und so gut wie keine Ruckler mehr zu bieten hatte.
Im Forum habe ich gelesen, dass wohl während der Beta ein Debugging-Tool im Hintergrund läuft. Ein laut Entwickler bekanntes Problem ist auch, dass der RAM volläuft und nicht mehr benötigte Teile nicht wieder entladen werden. Zur Zeit wird wohl an einem Fix gearbeitet. Wenn diese Probleme beseitigt sind, wird es also auf meinem System durchaus spielbar sein.

Zum Spiel selbst:

1) Charerstellung

lässt keine Wünsche offen, mehr ist nicht zu sagen

2) Steuerung

WoW-like. Auch nicht mehr zu zu sagen.

3) Graphik

Sehr sehr nett. Mit einem entsprechenden System sicher das non plus ultra derzeit.

4) Kampfsystem

Wesentlich reaktiver und schneller als WoW. Nicht mob anvisieren und Taste 2 drücken bis er tot ist. Man kann (zu Anfang) in drei Richtungen schlagen (links oben, oben, rechts oben), später kommen wohl weitere hinzu. Man selbst und auch die mobs verfügen über ein Deckungssystem. Am Anfang des Kampfes deckt der mob z.B. in alle drei Richtungen. Im Kampfverlauf verstärkt er dann die Deckung in eure bevorzugte Angriffsrichtung, so dass ihr variieren müsst. Das selbe könnt ihr auch tun, war aber bei den einfachen mobs, die übrigens nach 1-5 Schlägen tot sind, nicht nötig.
Alles in allem steckt meiner Meinung nach hier eines der grössten Potentiale des Spiels, da es wirklich auf Skill und Fingerfertigkeit ankommt. Ach ja, aktiv Blocken kann man auch.

5) Klassen

12 Stück an der Zahl, wobei ich nur den Ranger und Barbaren ausprobiert habe. Casterklassen werde ich demnächst mal testen. Viel gibt es nicht zu sagen, da sich bis lvl 10 der Archetyp Rouge (splittet sich in Assassin, Barbarian und Ranger) recht gleich spielt. Ab lvl 10 können erste Talentpunkte verteilt werden, wobei jede Klasse 3 Skilltrees hat. Einen für den Archetyp, der bei allen Klassen dieses Typs gleich ist und universelle Talente enthält. Dann noch zwei klassenspezifische, beim Ranger z.B. Waylayer und Sharpshooter.

6) Quests

Sehr nett, z.B. auch mal an Wachen vorbeischleichen und jemanden bespitzeln. Komplett vertont - für alle Non-Anglophoben :-) empfehle ich die englische Version, sehr stimmungsvoll und auch mal knackiges Schottisch dabei.
Laut Betaberichten sollen ab lvl 20 dann aber keine Quests mehr vertont sein, und auch die Art der Quests geht dann wohl in Richtung töte 20 Ottos.

Das wars erstmal, wäre schön wenn auch mal die anderen beiden Accountleecher was dazu schreiben würden.
« Letzte Änderung: 12:32:54 ,04 Mai 2008 von -]T[-krusty »


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Re: Age of Conan
« Antwort #47 am: 13:29:39 ,04 Mai 2008 »

Hab grad ein nettes PvP Info Vid gefunden: http://youtube.com/watch?v=OL0hyZGpnkw

Sieht saugeil aus das ganze...


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Re: Age of Conan
« Antwort #48 am: 14:38:02 ,04 Mai 2008 »

... Was RAM betrifft: 2 Gig kosten derzeit um die 50 €, allerdings dachte ich immer, dass XP eh nicht mehr als 2 verwalten kann? ...

Ich habe mich damit länger nicht mehr beschäftigt, aber wenn ich das richtig in Erinnerung habe, stehen die Dinge da wie folgt: WinDoof XP kann einem einzelnen Programm max. 2GB zur Verfügung stellen, und das oberste der 4GB ist durch diverse andere HW nicht benutzbar. Immerhin hätte AoC so seine 2GB allein, ohne den ganzen Rest (WinDoof, Treiber, Services, etc.), der noch 1GB für sich hat. Allerdings kann man durch ein wenig BIOS-/WinDoof-Kung-Fu (Auslagerungsdatei in RAM-Disk oder so, etc.) die Ausnutzung wohl ein wenig verbessern. Weiß da jemand Genaueres? Links? Persönliche Leidensgeschichten?

Xp kann maximal knapp 3 Gb verwalten, aber da kann man dann auch gleich 4 kaufen. Anonsten Auslagerungsdatei immer das 1,5 fache des RAM und ab gehts.
Anstatt zu klagen, was ihr wollt, solltet ihr dankbar sein, dass ihr nicht all das bekommt, was ihr verdient.


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Re: Age of Conan
« Antwort #49 am: 15:15:24 ,04 Mai 2008 »

Bester Link, den ich bis jetzt zur 4GB-Problematik gefunden habe: http://www.pc-experience.de/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=24883 (sehr schön hier die ROFL-"Erklärung" des Problems seitens Micro$oft  bei Vista :D )


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Re: Age of Conan
« Antwort #50 am: 15:31:20 ,04 Mai 2008 »

Anonsten Auslagerungsdatei immer das 1,5 fache des RAM und ab gehts.

Habe die Auslagerungsdatei auf 0 gesetzt und seitdem läuft es besser.


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Re: Age of Conan
« Antwort #51 am: 15:53:44 ,04 Mai 2008 »

Ka<nn nicht soviel zu AoC sagen , da es bescheiden auf meinem System läuft , aber was ich bisher gesehen hab hat mich begeistert .
Geniales Kampfsystem , viel Liebe zum Detail und eine ( für mein System ) bombastiche Grafik . Werde es mir kaufen wenn ich mein neues System habe .


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Re: Age of Conan
« Antwort #52 am: 19:49:20 ,04 Mai 2008 »

Hm, ich hab eh schon lange Vista 64 drauf und kann auch meine 8 GB voll adressieren...Unter WinXP 64Bit klappt's aber auch schon wer 4 GB will.

Und ja, das mit dem Debugger in der Beta hab ich auch schon gelesen^^


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Re: Age of Conan
« Antwort #53 am: 23:24:06 ,06 Mai 2008 »

Hier AoC auf mittleren Datails:

« Letzte Änderung: 01:07:27 ,07 Mai 2008 von -]T[-krusty »


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Re: Age of Conan
« Antwort #54 am: 01:29:15 ,07 Mai 2008 »



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Re: Age of Conan
« Antwort #55 am: 11:17:23 ,07 Mai 2008 »

Nach weiterer investigativen Nachforschungen, steht fest, dass ich Eroberer, äh Eroberin spielen werde. 8)  Mit einer meleelastigen Gruppe scheint er besonders stark zu sein, ist aber offensichtlich auch solo zu gebrauchen und ein passabler Tank.
"An die dumme Stirne gehört als Argument von Rechts wegen die geballte Faust."
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
(George Orwell)


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Re: Age of Conan
« Antwort #56 am: 11:46:11 ,07 Mai 2008 »

Teste grade den Conqeror und er macht Spass. Ist erst lvl 6 und hat noch wenige Skills. Die Skilltrees lassen darauf schliessen, dass man sich zwischen 2-Hand und Dual-Wield entscheiden muss, alles in allem schein er sehr nett zu sein.
Die Kampfschreie halten übrigens chillige 4 Std.


Hier noch was Interessantes, denke dann kann man mehr erzählen:

"Dear Age of Conan beta tester

We hope you are merrily chopping off Pict heads in the Age of Conan Open Beta, and that your journey in Hyboria has been a memorable one so far. You have only seen the beginning though, as we prepare an EPIC ending to your Open Beta experience.

On the 10th of May we are transforming the entire Open Beta into PvP MAYHEM, while at the same time giving you access to all which Hyboria has to offer! That is right, as we take down our servers for a short period we are at the same time changing the entire server rule-set to Free For All PvP carnage! Your servers will ALL become PvP! Participate if you dare, or make a new character and stay in the safety of Tortage!


    * All servers become PvP servers. You can kill each other – no level restrictions on killing or getting killed, but you cannot PvP in the major cities.
    * All level 13 characters becomes level 20. Their inventory is wiped, but they have “tons” of money and really nice equipment suitable for level 20’s. Shopping bonanza!
    * You have access to ALL zones and ALL levels after level 20!
    * You will be zoned to your Race’s Hub. (Cimmerians – Conarch Village, Aquillonians – Old Tarantia and Stygians – Khemi!

This means bye bye Tortage! Welcome Hyboria at large, and what a blast you will have. It all starts at level 20, and then it’s up to you, but you can be sure your fellow players will do their best to stop you!

We will get back with detailed information on the exact time it starts on the official Open Beta forums at IGN, as well as on the Age of Conan forums and community site.

You may ask, why skip levels 14-20? The reason is simple – the story. We take it seriously, and we would like for you to experience it at launch.

We urge you to join us for some epic PvP mayhem on the 10th of May, and we hope you will leave Hyboria with a bloodied smile on your face.

Heads will roll!


The Age of Conan development team"
« Letzte Änderung: 18:07:01 ,07 Mai 2008 von -]T[-krusty »


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Re: Age of Conan
« Antwort #57 am: 17:54:16 ,07 Mai 2008 »

Ich denke ich werde Necromancer spielen...macht Spass die Sau....schön fieser Drecksack....so soll es sein^^

Ach ja...und ich hab die UK PreOrder bestellt....sollte morgen/übermorgen da sein  ;-)


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Leaked Beta Infos :-)
« Antwort #58 am: 10:28:10 ,08 Mai 2008 »

***The End-All-Be-All General Beta Tester Q&A Compilation***

***Edit: Changed color of Crafting section so questions stand out a bit more from answer's (4/17/08)
***Edit: Cleaned up the spacing alot, should be easier to read (4/17/08)

There's another thread going that is a Q & A with a few of the General beta testers you can find it here


There is ALOT of really good info here for the tech testers (who haven't gotten into GB) wondering about the game and and the actual state of the game due to their Tech test experience.

*** This is just a compilations of the Q & A's in that thread so you don't have to wade through the 17+ pages to find what your looking for.. a few members have made some lists within the thread, but i just thought i'd compile them all here ***

*** PLEASE post your new questions to the other thread ---< http://forums-beta.ageofconan.com/sh...ad.php?t=21316 <--- These are not my answers just copy/paste job to help you find info easier don't ask me question's as I'm not in GB ***

*** ALL credit goes to the BG testers and to Oneway who put up the mini comp's within the thread ***

Section 1 - Combat (Green Text)
Section 2 - PvP (Red Text)
Section 3 - Death, Looting, etc. (Yellow Text)
Section 4 - Misc (Blue Text)
Section 5 - Class Specific (Orange Text)
Section 6 - Crafting (CyanText)

Section 1 - Combat

Have you noticed if there are any classes that are excluded from grps for whatever reason ( lack of cc, another class can do it better, etc)

honestly ? when anyone formed a group ? most of the time it didnt really matter who was in the group.. the classes are flexible. but in a dungeon you do need a good tank.. can't really ask a barbarian to tank in a dungeon, lack of taunt ability, hp .. etc.etc.

How does PVE NPC difficulty scale with level? My Ranger was destroying everything as far as I could get to level 5 before the sever went down, but he took like ZERO damage. I don't think he ever droped below 80%, mob after mob. Is it because we were in a low zone area that is designed for gameplay introduction that I was able to kill NPCs with 2-4 swings, and hardly take a hit wearing nothing but a loin cloth? How does damage scale at higher levels?

yeah.. once you leave tortage.. the NPC's get nasty.. some have similar skills and even use combos and spells.
it gets alot harder wit hNPC's outside of tortage.. and its definitely due to the island being a giant tutorial first.

Do feats have a huge impact for example unlocking certain combos?

yes. FEATS sometimes are the only way to get some new abilities, and gain new combos. it's definitely up to experimentation just which ones you're gonna want.

Have you gotten the chance to check out any of the end game content? If so, how is it? Are there encounters that require a lot of thinking out and coordination or are they straightforward?

I got up to 53 on my Barb. There were plenty of times even during solo play I had to stop and think "Ok - how am I going to do this?"

You said that leveling slows down as you get near 80; does grouping play a larger role? Is it more important to upgrade your gear the closer you get to 80? Would comparing dungeons in this game to dungeons in WoW be fair? If not, how do they differ?

well it's not gear dependent that for certain.. you might want to keep upgrading your weapons if you're a pure mellee class tho every 10 levels.. but the diffence can be slim . it looks more to me about choosing the right feats that fit YOUR play style thats important by the time you get close to teh end game. as it will determine your efficiency in combat.

I don't think I can fairly make a comparison to the dungeons in WoW with AoC.. too many diffrences. graphically is one.. SIZE is the other. AoC bigger from most I've seen.

Collision detection makes it a totally diffrent playfield. you can create choke points with collision detection. and strategies differ with it.. I'll have to elaborate more on this later when I can test teh new build. some changes might have appened to BOSS encounters or respawn rates.

Do dungeons have appropriate loot? Do you feel a sense of reward when you clear a dungeon? Is there a benefit from clearing the same dungeon mulitple times? Is the dungeon selection plentiful across the level spectrum?

Dungeons had good loot.. worth the adventure for sure.. and the quest rewards too from dungeons are nice. i can not give an accurate assessment of the complete loot table as it was told to us many times that there was no need to "test" 1500 sets of armor and weapons worth 10 gigs of database in the beta client . so we've been testing in general beta with "placeholder" items and gear.. which was still pretty nice .

I don't really know if there is that much of a benefit to clearing it multiple times side from getting everyone in your group a chance at the dropped loot.

as far as dungeon selection ?
the earliest raid dungeon is level 35 + to do and from there there's a few in the beta client.there is a new feaute I have yet to test in this new build.. which is the ability to click the dungeon and chose "HEROIC" mode for teh instance.. which will make it much much harder than normal.. I don't know how the drops and rewards will scale on this new feature tho until I've found out. I'll keep you posted !

When you've reached the higher levels, is it normal to have several action bars full of buttons, or do most players usually just have one bar?

you can open up two extra hotbars from the interface menu in Options to get more combos up there.. but you can also assign alot more combos and hot keys on that main UI bar since it goes all the way up to page 6 if you turn the page. However. i like to balance out my combos to find the best balance of DPS + efficiency via stamina useage and keep it to one bar.. especially for me. personally in PvP i can keep track of my useage better and regulate it.

I was wondering about the shields. From my limited experience, they seemd awkward and slow to change in response to the enemy's attacks. Did you find yourself utilizing the shields shifting in pvp, or just leaving them balanced? What about PvE; do certain mobs attack with a few predictable patterns (say, it's big attack is always from the right), and it pays to guard that side a little more?

What's mounted combat like?

Finally, I know you didn't play a mage, but how did the spell casters shape up in the game? Did that fancy spellweaving ever get implemented?

but i can honestly say as an assasin in PvP.. if i saw a guardian i was about to fight in PvP I would reset my shields to where I knew his best combo's landed before i engaged him. since I already knew how to playa guardian and knew where the ending combo would land on . it helped a little bit. but not help me much after level 50 when even soldiers could use crossbows by then.

seen the data patched into the beta client about spellweaving on this new build.. i see the files for it..
but for actually seeing it happen or being used in-game ? ATM ? no I don't see it activated.. but that may be because the spellcaster may have to be past level 20 to use it.. just like mellee classes need to be level 40 to access the Q and E attack keys.

How do fatalities help the group? Is there some kind of buff after doing a fatality? If so, how long does it last, what does it affect?

Once a member of the team kills somebody with a fatality, all members within a certain radius around that particular member are buffed with the fatality benefit. In casters case it is fast mana regen, in melee case it's stamina regen. It doesn't last long but it's usually enough to overfill mana bars for casters.

You said that conquere can wear only heavy armor, dt get half plate and guardian got full plate. Can you give us a list of armor from the weakest to the greatest ?

From lowest to highest protection of armors.
-Cloth ( silks )
-light armor ( leathers )
-medium ( chainmail )
-Heavy ( banded armor )
-half-Plate ( looks like medium armor with th largest parts in plate solid steel casts )
-Full-Plate ( full covering armor..in layers of plate )

-all the classic variations and types of shields.. from bucklers to tower shields

You said that Weapons/Armor are largely unimportant, so I began wondering why will people bother to raid or dungeon delve? In past games such as EQ or WoW, peoples' desire to have 'uber lewt' kept them raiding and downing difficult mobs; if the gear in AoC has no real value, what's the point in attempting? Also, you were saying before that only levels and skill really seperate people in PvP. At max level, what would really seperate two people who were equally skilled? Equipment would not factor in at all?

about the gear, i only found it un-important in the regard that it didn't make or break my gameplay in either PvP or PvE situations.

Dungeon drops and raid drops are still going to be important enough and definitely significant enough in thier stats and bonuses that you'd want to have it.however you can't equip a pole arm from the Final boss of Sanctum of the burning souls and assume that you'll play as a better soldier all of a sudden.
And of course, it's a prestige thing in a smaller way, they'll be recognizeable for sure as unique weapons and or gear.
I am hoping teh same importance will also come with what I saw in the crafted items .. I really want to see the crafted items in use this time around.
I see the gear can definitely help make you better.. it's just not a way to " I win " .. but that's just my opinion.

yeah I couldn't tell you what that's like at level 80. between 2 players of equal skill. that'd be up to them to decide what helped them win more.
I can't comment about the equipment as it's not the final build. and we're not gonna know anytime soon.

I can say tho that from reading the posts in the class discussions no ones even brought up GEAR as a reason for winning or losing in PvP.

if u choose to be an armorsmith for example.. can u do all those armor? light, medium heavy? also architects etc. and again ^^ alchimist.. are there just those 3 kind of potions?

Looking at the same level of items:

There are three types of food, affecting health/mana/stamina. These are further separated by adding different health/mana/stamina points or regeneration in different quantities, even at the same level.

Food acts as a buff, aka has a long uptime. It also persists through both PvP and PvE death. (Spell buffs don't persist through PvE death)

Then you have the potions in two qualities, normal and super (so to speak). The normal ones boost health/mana/stamina by a small initial amount and then run a HoT for the remaining of their duration (usually a couple minutes).

The "super" ones have a much stronger effect. Both potions were available in beta in abundance from both shops and mob drops. However, developers said that the "super" kind will be much rarer and expensive in retail.

Then you have different levels of the above mentioned potions & food.

I don't like crafting so I didn't bother much with it. So I can't comment on what the alchemists can or can't craft, or if there is a greater variety of what I've experienced.

In any case, potion recipies is something easy to add in the alchemy profession. I just hope it doesn't become a serious timesink like WoW, where end raid competitive gaming required the massive use of potions.

How effective is stealth truly? Will an assassin with maxxed out stealthing skills still be able to close in on something with a higher perception, and is perception an activated ability or passive?

Perception: Both active and passive. Was easy for an assassin to stealth attack me during the daylight but I had zero skills in perception. Only a couple items were giving me some.

ok for stealth in PvP it's working almost too good. hehe players can't see you until they CLICK perception. and it still has to take into account the level of HIDE skill vs.. that player's perception ability. 10 second recast timer for stealth tho. will check back after the test of new build

Mana and stamina regen in combat, is it significant or are you going to have to actually rest to really recover, also when leveling do you have to stop to rest all the time or can you keep going with nonstop action for a good while?

Regen: Not very fast if directly attacked, so you can't out-regen mobs. Still decent if the fight drags. Kicks in if you're not attacked but still in combat (usually in teams).

If you solo you'll rest a lot, but rest is very fast (5 secs max at close to max level). Mobs however are very densely placed at certain camps and social, so even the fast out of combat regen will seem slow at times. this is also highly subjective and dependent on the class and useage of potions.. as well as feats . there's a few items out there thatwill constantly regen mana for you.. but it's stil going to depend on the class. a caster really should answer this one about mana. but for mellee classes ? old build, my guardian could keep going and maybe only rest for 10 seconds at a time, due to feats in regen abilites from soldier feat tree

How much does the shielding system actually alter the course of a battle? Will somone who neglects it fail miserably against somone who is well practiced in manipulating the shields?

short answer.. yes. especially apparentin PvE that neglecting to manipulate and consider shield placement of the mob results in you greatly decreasing your DPS wastingboth your stamina useage and mana, and attacks.

How effective are the traditionally nonranged classes at using ranged weapons, IE assassins or conquerors with crossbows? Is it akin to wow where it's a very minor use, just for pulling really, or can you actually do some damage with it?

x-bow damage: It was actually pretty good. I hope it gets toned down considerably with the new build.
it's effective enough in PvP that you can't kite someone at all past level 50...by this level range all players have at leastone form of ranged weaponry. I've managed to kill some pulls sometimes without even them reaching me in mellee range.

Does armor mitigate magic damage at all, or perhaps enhance it based on materials?

The only items that had these properties from what I found so far were rings and necklaces. But since the previous build had minimal itemisation, there is no telling on what will be included in retail.

Are consumables a major factor in pvp or pve?

Pot consumption can drag certain fights for ever. My hope is that they get tuned considerably in the new build. Food has a buffing effect so no.

Any descriptions of other fatalities?

PoMs levitate the character, totally outstretched, then toss him away

How much does luck factor into pvp/pve battles? Are crits ridiculously overpowering to the point where they have to add a new stat to the game to tone it down

Crits: Not really, not that to be noticeable and annoying in PvP anyway.

Are most of the combos you get access to drawn from talents, or is it really a few key ones while most everything else is a base ability for the class?

most combos come every 5 levels. some combos can only be attained thru feats.

Do you see a lot of overlapping abilities between the classes when considering the combos or are they relatively different from one another. Having 12 classes doesn't really mean anything if they all play the same ya know

as said before.. each class has three feat trees. one tree called the Archetype tree. and 2 diffrent trees for each that are very class specific feats

Since a 2handed weapon takes up 2 slots typically, does it give about twice the magical bonuses of a 1 handed weapon (+4 str as opposed to +2 str for each 1 hander, for example)? If not it seems likely that you'll get more bonuses going dual wield instead of 2 handed.

seems so far 2 handed weaponry and 1 handed weaponry didn't have such a big jump in added stats for rare itesm.. but then again it's a placeholder loot table for beta

What types of Crowd Control are there? Are there Charms? Is there AoE Mez? Sleeps?

short answer.. all of the above

What are some pulling tactics used in the game? Are there lulls or Feign Deaths?

no fien deaths no lulls. this one you'll have to discover on your own =)

When it comes to combos, exactly what process do you use to effectively use a combo? What's the keystroke process, can you change combo mid-stream? Are there advanced versions of basic combos? I.E. If I attack right than left than right, do I have several combo finish selections to choose from, or do I have to choose the combo, than go thru the attack movements to finish it?

I've gotten to level 15 now on my GUARDIAN and I've noticed that even tho I still need to click the combo button to initiate my combo and then follow the key sequences for the trigger ( i.e. 1 -2-3 and or Q and E ) what I have now noticed in this updated build is that I can click a diffrent combo to interrupt the previous one and it switches to the currently selected combo sequence. This effectively allows for mid-combat combo switching.. however it'sa gamble since there's still the cooldowns and the complexity of the sequences to consider.

As a main tank in group play, dungeons, or raids...how many problems has the line of sight requirement for your group to attack caused? What sort of solutions have GB testers been using to maxamize the usage of a tank blocker out front to protect the ranged party members? For the ranged PvP testers, how well does having a soldier class tanker in your group work out for keeping your distance in a fight?

properly using the terrain , and manipulating mob positioning in group situations seems the best and plan. the rest of the question here for mages and ranged archetypes to answer

a question about line of sight: if a groupmember is between me and my target - can I cast "through" him or not ?

line of sight does work like it does in real physics here.. you need to have your team mate move or you move to get the target .. whether you do this with terrain elevation or strategic formation.

a small question regarding the same idea as your previous answer, do the heals (since most are cones) propagate through people, or does line of sight block heal cones aswell?

Heals are not affected by line of site but by proximity and direction of view. Basically you have two types of heals, those that affect people in a circle around you and those that affect people in a cone in front of you.

Having said that, you get feats that increase the area of effect of both heals, so the cycle becomes wider and the cone larger. Most of these feats can be found in the healer archetype feat tree, thus being available to all healers.



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Leaked Beta Infos :-)
« Antwort #59 am: 10:28:47 ,08 Mai 2008 »

Section 2 - PvP

how is the pvp? can you make reference to any of the games you have played before. Is it a stealth gank fest?

stealth is ALOT harder in AoC.. you need to have a high skill in HIDE, consider the time of day.. the armor you have on.. , obstacles, and shadows to pull off a perfect sneak.

take into account with all that the NPC perception. beasts and wild animals havea higher rate of perception than humanoids.. and scout type npcs' like a Vanir Watchman or archer has a highe skill in perception too,.. rogue archetypes get stealth /hide skill at level 5.. soldiers get it at 18 but it costs alot of stamina to move in stealth if you aren't a rogue archetype. and there's a 10 second cool down before you can hide again once you un stealth

How long do pvp fights last in general?
Is it a quick 10 second thing or do you have time to fight back if you are caught off guard?
Is there a bounty system?

well depends really.. one on one fights ? which can be rare.. sometimes last a minute or more.. it's nevr as fast as 10 seconds.
haven't gotten far enuff in the new build to be qualified for a bounty i think. and I have no patch notes as of yet ! I'll let ya know of course.. !

What's leveling like on a PvP server? Do you see level 80's camping level 20's?

short answer.. yes.

detailed answer,

most zones outside of tortage have multiple re-spawn areas. so it's pretty damned hard to corpse camp you.
the death penalty in PvE does not happen to you if you die from PvP.the zones are large enough and you have always more than one option to go exp'ing in so you can actually have time to level. I've gone thru a whole night without running into a PvP fight if i didn't go out looking for it.

One of the things they are working on implementing in PvP is a short duration invulnerability timer from PvP upon your ressurection to a ress area.
possibly same short duration invulnerability for zoning also. AoC's PvP test server is intentionally FFA PVP to the fullest extent.. except we dont have player looting. yet?

but you can get a group of level 20's and they'll kick the crap outta that level 80 if they know what they're doing.. hehe at teh least make it troublesome enough that the level 80 will get on his horse and move on.

I dunno how well this holds true on the new build so I'll have to come back to re-assess this one.

Barbarian: How are they actualy doing in pvp.

Alot of us were speculating that because they are an aoe melee class they would get devastated in a 1vs1 encounter. Is that so
the way AoE works, is that you'll hit the area within your "cone" teh area of your mellee range. the mob you actually have on target gets the brunt of it. so no.. if you know what you're doing and you know your combos the barbarian DPS is gonna kill you if you stay in his mellee range.

What do you find better for PvP: 2h or dual wielding?

that's a matter of personal taste as the 2h feat tree offers lots of passive abilities and knockbacks and stuns... while the DW feat tree offers a higher DPS rating and alot of debuffers and d.o.t.s

Whats with the bleed efects, do they do worth while damage like a real dot, or would you prefer to just do other attacks?

seeing as all heals and potions are damage over time.. the bleed effects are definitely highly effective dots

PvP in general.
How are the classes balanced realy? 1vs1, rock paper scissors, or some kind of more group like balance?
Do you feel like you have a fair chance of wining in PvP because of your skill, or are there other deciding factors like gear or class (counter class).

there's currently no rock , paper scissors style at all in AoC.. as all the classes have very flexible feat trees and combinations of feats to do various types of builds that really depend on your playstyle. the last build really made it more group balanced.

Has it been a common practice for people +/or guilds to camp resource zones? Have you had problems with griefers or been otherwise frustrated?

i'd be lying if i said no to griefers... no one's really camped resource nodes. but there was one flaw in a dungeon that had only ONE entrance/exit at one point so it created a perfect area for griefing. and there was a situation where in the level 20 area there was some camping on the single ressurection point . that's why they said they were going to introduce a immunity timer at the ressurection points

Not sure if this has been asked before or not, but I was wondering how world pvp works and such. Is it just opposing races that are flagged, or is it pure free for all? pure unrestricted FFA PvP madness.. hehe

Tortage city is safe and the acheronian ruins zone on tortage island, as well as your private night time destiny quests.
only safe zones are the three major cities.

no level restrictions.

there is only ONE temporary rule in beta atm. no players beyong level 20 can enter the zones connected to tortage city.
we're awaiting rulesets.

To what extent will the "zones" and "instances" restrict players from actually finding others to fight within a FFA rule set?

Most dungeons are private instanced for a particular group or raid. Some of them are shared by multiple groups. How this is done, I don't know since I was in a PvP server and most people were not into dungeon crawling there unfortunately.

The zones were big enough so you could run away from somebody and stay hidden but if people know the quests and your level range, they could potentially guess where you'd go next. There were also people roaming the PvP-free towns looking for easy victims. Some people don't go after you unless you're afk/ talking to a quest NPC, what can I say?

as far as rulesets on PvP ?
we're waiting to discover the bounty system, the limited invulnerability upon resurrection at resurrection points and limited invulnerability after zoning.
they did bring up an idea that they would need to be out of combat to actually ZONE out of an area.
I still don't know if or when these proposed rulesets will be. so we'll have to wait and find out.

k, on the topic of PvP... In EVE we have a problem with people ctrl+q`ing so they just leave the game to get out of a fight. In AOC's current form does it have anyway of stopping people from doing this? Do people stay in world for a minute or two after they disconnect or do they just poof?
Your character stays in-game for 2 mins ... and since there is no auto-attack ...if you just pressed Alt + F4 to insta quit.. ? and forcebly close the game ? or pulled the plug ?

last time someone tried this thier character remained in th world for a full 30 seconds still and was promptly killed.. without trouble.. hehe i'm sure that player logged back in and found he had to chose a ressurection spot. Heheh

In a pvp setting, what in your opinion/experience weighs most in determining the outcome of a fight: Gear, skillful use of character, or level difference? For example, in WoW, say a level 50 in pretty decent gear (for your level) is jumped by a level 60 with crappy gear(for his/her level). Unless that level 50 is a rogue (vanish), he/ she is pretty much got a corpse run coming up. I ask this because i'm curious about the chance of survival/escape in a ganking, or if I can at least make the bastard sweat a bit and work for his kill.

from personal experience thankfuly the gear does little diffrence in PvP as it stands now in the beta client.. we don't have full itemization tho so I can'treallt say that's my final call. I will remain to assume tho that since we still have nice placeholder gear in the beta client and the gear didn't really matter to us I like this part of the results.

as far as level diffrence went.
10 levels in diffrence in AoC is not a big deal at all...that won't matter very much.
20 level diffrence, MAYBE will matter. but I can tell you from first hand experience as a soldier archetype, even 20 levels diffrence I'm not easy prey 1v1.

I'll have to test this out again once the servers are back up and I'm out of tortage. because these huge new changes and the totally new build i'm gonna have to re-learn some tactics.

so my answer to your question of whether gear,level diffrence or skill weighs more in a PvP 1v1 battle ?
it's NOT gearit 's not always the levels ( unless of course it's 20 levels or higher )

finally it's knowledge/skill that can make or break you.

with the combo system as the way it is.. if you know what class you're about to fight and you've played them before.. you know what thier KILLER combos are and where that killing blow might land , how long the cooldown is for the combos you use vs. thiers .

there's still the completely unpredictable part of what feats he has which can throw a monkey wrench in eve nthe best thought out strategies.
and personally , I like the suprises that arise from that.

Spells, is there a casting bar that can be interrupted by simple autoattacks, thus giving an advantage to faster weapons when it comes to casters?

Spells: Yes, also a skill in the skill tree (not to be confused with the feats) to interrupt spells via attacks. Casters get that ability, don't know about melee.
YES.. it's interruptable to a degree barring they have a high skill in casting concentration and or feats for it. but I know for example as a guardian I can get a feat that will let me use my shield to silence a caster for a short duration

As a melee class how well does something like a necromancer or the herald stand up to your attacks?

depends on which mellee class really and how he set up his feats.. but i can say there's definitely some serious hurting coming to a caster from mellee class.. one hit too many and it's game over.

Have you tried out any of the pvp minigames, or are the planned rewards enough for them to really diminish or even kill the drive for world pvp on a ffa server like they did for wow?

I've been part of 4 pvp mini-games on tech tests. still haven't seen any rewards past PvP level and exp.. awaiting rewards/loot tables

Have you experienced any large population type things that could mimic the population of a large siege battle? If so how did the client handle it, graphical lag? server lag?

there is a DEV supported raid guild called " Raiders of Asura" they are comprised of mostof the testers who've already at least Once leveled to 80 .. and they do alot of raiding tests.

How is greifing being addressed? Are you seeing it in beta and are noobs going to get pwnd the second they log in on pvp servers?

well i only got to level 7 on my barbarian before teh tech tests started on this new build.. in the PvP server there are only two areas that are PvP enabled in tortage.. but I do know that outside of tortage there are multiple ressurection points you can choose to revive in once you've been killed .. greatly reducing the corpse camping problems. on tortage isnald White sands Isle.. and Underhalls are PvP enabled.

once you leave tortage only the three main cities are the safe zones.
everywhere else is purely FFA PvP .. er.. no looting atm and we only gain pvp Exp and PvP levels for killing other players.

they're still working on giving us the rulesets.
I'll still have to test it out on this new build to find out more answers.

Haven't really ran into many griefers actually.. during the first week of PvP server it was all out mayhem and pandemonium.. people forgot to even level and just kept going back to fight.. lol

but a couple of the things they plan to introduce are :
-limited invulnerability when ressurecting at a ressurection point.
-limited invulnerability when zoning into an area.
-possibly requiring you to not be engaged in combat to zone out.

If you want to be a mercenary, can you still be in a guild with a friend and be hired as a pair of mercenary's ? and can you build your own village / town because im sure i read an article a while ago where you was able to build your own village/town/city that cannot be attacked by guilds but PVE army's will attack. and do you have to be in a guild to build yourself a camp/village/town ?

City's are guild built and a tier 3 city is required to be able to capture/build a battle keep. City's are in pve territory and will be attacked by ai city's. Battle keeps are open to attack from other guilds but only during nominated times. Being a mercernary is only available to those that prefer not to be part of a guild but still want to be in the huge pvp battles. Might of missed some stuff but that's the gist.

Section 3 - Death, Looting, Etc.

I know the beach part if more of a story type mode but it felt very linear, as in u couldnt really go off the path and explore. How is the rest of the game? Is it explorable or do they keep yo restricted?

as soon as you get out of th jungle and especially once you leave tutorial island ( Tortage ) it's a pretty big world.. takes about 30 minutes to get across a zone even if you tried to keep a straight line from one end to teh other with out the fastest horse in -game.

You mentioned a death penalty. What is it (exp. loss or something else)? Have they given any info about how much harsher they are making it since it was being exploited some?

How does the group dynamic handle what I lovingly refer to as "chaos boys"? People who pay no heed to tanks gaining aggro and just running head long into combat before everyone is ready? Do they just die and thats that or do they bring the whole party down with them? Hope thats not too vague a question.

1)death penalty in the beta client was -200 magic resistance and -2 attack power.. it had a duration of 30 minutes and was stackable up to three times. the only way to remove the death penalty was to either gain enough exp to lose that death penalty or to go find the spot you died at . it will be marked by a TOMBstone. you start getting a death penalty at level 10.

2) kinda hard to give an answer to this question as i've seen the chaos effect .. and it really depended on whether the party was ready to take on the consequences or they weren't. Or how much aggro it gained. or if the "chaos" accidentally pulled more mobs than the group could survive.

Are there dungeon like things you can stumble upon that are clearable as a solo player, or perhaps a duo?

short answer.. YES

Is there a weight limit for your inventory or is it based on bagslots?

no weight limits on inventory. armor types determine your weight tho when factoring in Knockbacks

Do you find you have to carry around many sets of gear in order to participate in everything, grinding set, dungeon set, pvp set, etc etc. Do you know of having to farm for resist gear or other silly timesinks like that?

short answer... I never carried extra gear.it's not that gear dependent.
no one in the beta client so far has had to FARM anything except maybe rare ore for mining resources

How will the item quality be dealt with? For example, in Diablo II you could find 'normal' which ranged in "bad" to "superior" quality, the next grade up was a 'blue' item, which had random magical modifiers. Then there was 'set(green)' and 'rare(yellow)' classed items, then the top dog was 'unique(golden)' items, which generally were named.

There is currently no durability loss of any kind on items.

Items are using a color code of sorts, but I don't know if it has any similarities to other games. There is white and there is blue. I think I've seen purples linked but that's about it.

Nothing spectacular between the various colors. However that may be due to the partial itemisation in the game.

Some things that are not asked but from the top of my head.[color]

- Quest limit is 100 quests. That includes crafting quests as well.
- U key is used for climbing as well.
- You get enough feat points to reach top tiers on two feat trees.

Have you seen any run speed items such as boots?

short answer. NO.

Do any items besides potions have clickable procs, or are all the procs random?

short answer. NO.

Is perception useful in PvE?

not really.. but this new build might have something to say about that

Are there any Illusions in the game?

not really illusions.. but an assasin has a lotus feat that makes a player believe they're seeing an enemy instead of their team mate and will attack them.
necro can transform into a Lich... Hox can transform into an Acheronian demon... but these are actual transformations.. not illusions