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Autor Thema: Patchnotes nächster Woche  (Gelesen 7721 mal)


  • Architect of Negativity
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Patchnotes nächster Woche
« am: 07:38:15 ,11 September 2008 »

Zusammengetragen und bestmöglich aktualisiert von Eoin aus dem TL-Forum:

* Several client crash and assertion error causes were addressed.
* The Noble Villas have been optimized. Some players should experience a noticeable increase in performance.
* Shield of the Risen will now be given to new characters when they reach level 5.
* Facial expressions have been added to a number of emotes.
* Female characters can now use the "pointdown" emote.
* The following emotes now work for both male and female characters:
cheer, excitedclap, excited (formerly jig_f), flirt, hugefish, lightheaded, pushaway, trance.
* Players will now use the crawl animation when sprinting while swimming.
* Tradepost - The sales commission is now added to the price of the item and withdrawn from the buyer.
* Tradepost - You will no longer be charged a fee for changing the price of your item.
* Corrected several typos in dialog in many areas.
* Fixed the random seed on characters for animations
* Pressing ESC to abort a fatality will not make it appear that your opponent is dead anymore
* Fixed several client crashes and asserts
* When creating a new character you should no longer see lots of spam messages about gaining abilities etc after the cut scene at tortage beach is over.
* Path of Asura will now display where you are bound to.
* Servers with High Load should no longer show in server selection.
* The modified damage multipler in various tooltips now shows up with percent values, as intended.
* At times reapplied buffs would show 2 icons, this has now been fixed.
* Shield of the Risen is not given to new characters until they reach level 5.
* Added the 3 PvP regions to the worldmap.
* Sound system was optimized, lessening memory usage and improving performance.
* Improves sound output during massive battles.
* Fixed action animations playing on equipped weapons as well (for bow animations, in particular)
* Fixed root animation extraction.
* Made foliage removal to behave properly when disabled.
* "Interrupted!" will no longer be shown twice in chat when using the rest ability.
* Particle effects are not played on the character selection screen.
* You now get xp and can level by discovering resurrection points if you cross the needed amount for the level.

* /say should now be working again.

* You may now have up to two Team Heal effects (Renewal, Healing Lotus, Emanation of Life, and Martyrdom) running simultaneously.

Priest (General)
* Vindicator will now properly affect Soldiers who joined a group in Defensive Stance.
* Vindicator will no longer be removed when the Priest dies.

Rogue (General)
* Quick Dismount will no longer go on cooldown if used while moving.
* Quick Dismount will now work even with weapons drawn.
* Using Quick Dismount while riding a mammoth or a rhino will now result in an actual dismount, rather than just an ability cooldown
* Agile Mind is now a clickable. The cooldown is 9 minutes, and is reduced by 3 minutes per rank.
* Escape Artist will now always work. The cooldown is now 3 minutes, and is reduced by 1 minute per rank.
* Fixed being able to get a double sneak attack/mezz shot from stealth.
* Mountaineer will no longer be removed when the Rogue dies.
* Fixed locking of the hide skill that sometimes occur after resurrecting.

Soldier (General)
* You should no longer be able to charge corpses.

* Assassination (2) buff will now properly appear in the Buff GUI instead of the debuff GUI.
* All Assassin combo damage and stamina costs have been rebalanced to match some newly adjusted animations.
* From the Darkness and Ambush should now occur correctly, when performed from stealth.
* When executing From the Darkness in stealth, you should now properly leave stealth.
* Clarified the tooltip and combat log for the Blindside ability to show that the target is the one losing the stamina specified.
* From the Darkness can be used while visible again.

* Cyclone of Steel II is now usable only with the correct weapon type.
* Ambidextrous will now increase off-hand chance by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10% per respective rank.
* Thirst For Blood will now properly increase the player's Stamina Regen values.
* Arcane Marauder will now properly drain mana with 4 feat points invested.
* Buffs from Reaver Stance will now display a stack count in the GUI.
* Buffs from Blood Rage Stance will now display a stack count in the GUI.
* Rampaging Horde now works for any class nearby, not just Barbarians. Description has been updated to reflect this.
* Rampaging Horde will now increase in duration based on the number of feat points invested. The duration is now 12/15/18/21/24 seconds per respective rank.
* The knockback part of Clobber will now also work if you are below level 22.

Bear Shaman
* Blood Champion will now give the proper buff effect when one point is invested in the feat.
* Blood Champion will now proc off Blood Flow (Rank 1).
* Iron Hide will now properly absorb all damage from the next hit inflicted on the Bear Shaman.

* Rend Flesh's bleed effect will now stack in the proper order.
* Changed the name of the feat 'Improved Wrath' to 'Improved Fire Weave.'
* Changed the name of the feat 'Lingering Wrath' to 'Lingering Fire Weave.'
* Changed the name of the feat 'Skirmisher' to 'Fleet of Foot.'
* Rend and Tear will now improve the damage over time effect from Bloodbath I.

Dark Templar
* Invulnerable Soul now increases the amount of damage absorbed by Covenant of Invulnerability by 2/4/6/8/10 points per respective rank.
* While running the spell 'Soul Barrier, if you parry, evade, block, or the attacker misses, it will no longer go off your absorb shield.
* Blood for Aid I and III now has the same duration as the the other ranks.

* Fires of Gehenna will now have a 1 second cooldown applied to it after using Greater Flames.
* Chaotic Blast's damage component can now perform critical hits.
* Your permanent pets will now follow you when you zone, and if they are alive when you die, will reappear when you resurrect. Temporary pets do not follow you when zoning, nor reappear after your death.
* Shrink now has a new icon.
* Fixed an issue with a certain rank of Soul Spikes giving twice as much Magic Shielding value.

* The Defiance heal effect will now use the proper icon in the buff GUI.
* Impale combo now has a squelchy fleshy sound when used.

Herald of Xotli
* Tweaked the animation played for Pillar of Infernal Flame.
* Burn to Death I, Molten Steel Slash I, Pillar of Infernal Flame I now have new icons.
* The duration of the Flame Tongue buff has been increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds.
* You should no longer move like in slow motion when exiting demon mode while moving.
* I Eat Your Heart will now properly heal the Herald after killing a minion.
* I Eat Your Heart will now properly spawn a Blood Pit after killing a minion, with the proper feat trained.

* Blasphemy's cast time has been reduced to 2 seconds.
* Touch of Winter will no longer overwrite Ice Shackle's snare effect.
* Your permanent pets will now follow you when you zone, and if they are alive when you die, will reappear when you resurrect. Temporary pets do not follow you when zoning, nor reappear after your death.
* The spell Misdirection will now display an On Screen message when trying to cast when no targets are in range.

Priest of Mitra
* Empowered Repulse should also increase the length of the knockbacks by 1 meter for each point.
* Holy Conquest's bonus holy damage on the Devotional Prayer spell will now properly affect teammates.
* Channeling spells now use correct amount of mana per tick. Players should no longer be able to cancel spells early and recast them for a reduced mana cost.
* The knockback part of Repulse will now also work if you are below level 22.

* Cripple and Cripple Enemies now have new icons.
* Flesh Ripper and Piercing Shot IV now have new icons.
* Leghold Trap should no longer ignore Root Immunity.
* Traps should not triggered by corpses anymore.
* Incapacitating Stabs I now has a new icon.

Tempest of Set
* Inner Charge will now properly remove its effect after casting Lightning Strike.
* Set's Life Spark will now wait until you are fully dead before trying to resurrect you.
* When a player is charmed, he will follow the same rules as other pets (cannot be attacked by you, your team or your raid).

* All Channeling spells now use mana, even if it is a small amount...
* The base spell Immunity chance on all players is now 5%.
* The base spell Immunity cap on all players is now 15%.
* Sidestep will now increase the player's Immunity Cap by 10%.
* You can no longer go into hiding while fighting a much lower level NPC.
* Fixed a bug where, if your current target went into hiding, you wouldn't be able to target him again when he reappeared unless you'd targeted something else in the meantime.
* Combat transitions for all characters dual-wielding any combination of weapons should now be smoother.
* Female polearm users who double tap should see a correct animation.
* Charge can no longer be used on non-alive targets.
* All weapons should now work correctly with the combos available to that weapon type. (ex. Guardian combo Slaughter).
* Combo timers are now adjusted to not time out when the server lags.
* The female charge animation has been corrected to not throw the female backwards anymore.
* Frenzy and Defensive stance no longer persist after zoning.
* Pressing ESC to abort a fatality will not make it appear that your opponent is dead anymore.
* Pets will now teleport with you when you zone.
* When you die, all the pets that were alive will respawn when you ressurect.
* Fixed a bug where, if your current target went into hiding, you wouldn't be able to target him again when he reappeared until you'd targeted something else in the meantime.
* You can no longer go into hiding while fighting a much lower level NPC.
* Combo timers are now adjusted to not time out when the server lags.
* Added possiblity for unarmed players and pets to crit.
* Cannot charge a player/npc that is already charging someone else.
* Fixed the break on damage% for spells. For example, The Immolate Combo does a fear effect that should break on chance of damage.
* You can no longer shoot a bow or crossbow while moving.

"An die dumme Stirne gehört als Argument von Rechts wegen die geballte Faust."
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
(George Orwell)


  • Architect of Negativity
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Re: Patchnotes nächster Woche
« Antwort #1 am: 07:38:55 ,11 September 2008 »

* changed the respawn in Atzel's Fortress

* When shift-clicking a character name in chat, information about that player will be shown in yellow in the same window you clicked in.
* Players should no longer see duplicated buff icons for some abilities on their clients.
* The modified damage multipler in various tooltips now shows up with percent values, as intended.
* Combo and spell tooltips should always display with gray text now.
* Maps updated for Tortage Island, Tortage Day, Tortage Night, and the volcano.
* You will now see an onscreen message when you cast a targeted spell without a target.
* Combos should now show more information about what they are doing. Also, the order in which this information is displayed has been changed.
* The time display while in Tortage Underhalls at night should now be correct.
* PvP health/mana/stamina taps will now be displayed as intended in tooltips.
* The red skull should always appear over your own head when you are murderer.
* Items that you can not use no longer prompt you regarding their BoE status.
* Combo/Ability Tooltip titles are no longer blue, and are back to grey.
* Combo Tooltips should now show extended information, such as combo starter, combo finisher, and effect over time.
* You can no longer open multiple skill reset windows.
* Windows in the GUI should now remember their locations and not reset to their default location.
* Guild Search defaults changed to the following; guild member count to 1 to 100, guild level range to 1 to 80, and group member count to 2 to 5.
* Added a Quest Sharing GUI
* When shift-clicking a character name in chat, information about that player will be shown in yellow in the same window you clicked in.
* The channel "Character Improvements" will display new featpoints, skillpoints, spells, combos and abilities.
Item loot will be shown as a clickable link in the chat (Item Loot channel)
* The "General" tab is now the default tab for new characters.
* Only chat channels you can talk to will display their channel name in brackets before the actual chat message.
* Need/Greed rolls have been moved to the Need/Greed rolls channel and will display a link to the item in question instead of just the name.
* Improved the mouseover tooltips for items to better describe *why* a given item cannot be used by your character.
* When vieing your Tradeskills and viewing Recipes these windows should now remember their location and no longer open to their default location after closing and reopening them.
* PvP Minigame win/loss stats now displayed in the GUI
* Added PvP Kills and PvP Deaths fields to the player info window.
* Items which require the character to be of a specific class will now display this property as "Class Type" in the item tooltip.
* The Tradeskill window should no longer remain after logging out.
* Added PvP Kills and PvP Deaths fields to the player info window.
* When others hit your pet with spells or physical hits, the combat messages should go to their correct channels.
* PvP vendors will be marked on the minimap by a green dot.
* Fixed a bug causing the mouse input to be blocked for the lower part of the shortcut bar scroll-down button.
* Fixed a bug where a member of your team could sometimes show up on your map without being on your playfield.
* New confirmation box if the item you want to buy costs more than 10% of your current amount of cash.
* Combat messages for hits on your pet through spells or physical damage should always go to the correct channels.
* At the tradepost, both the buyer and the seller will now receive appropriate messages regarding who bought the item, how much it sold for, and how much the transaction fee was.
* A brief tutorial regarding PvP leveling has been added.

* Fixed some visual issues for player city buildings.
* /guild should now always work after zoning.

* Fixed an issue with tier 5 one handed edged weapons. These can now all be dual wielded.
* All vendor-bought resources purchased will appear in the "Bag" tab and not the "Resource" tab of the inventory.
* Sacrarial Cabochon Iolite will now give the proper invulnerability bonuses.
* Cotton and Cottonwisp can no longer be found on NPCs.
* Guardian tier armor wrist and gauntlet pieces will now give bonuses to polearm and 1h weapons.
* Fire and Glory spear is no longer tiny.
* Loot has been distributed to the new chests in Atzel's Fortress.
* Bloodsire Boots should no longer cause weird ankle animations.
* Dark Templar raid armor, such as Gauntlets of Baleful Blood, now only gives bonuses to 1h weapons.
* Items that you can not use no longer prompt you regarding their BoE status.
* You should no longer get a prompt about BoE when moving an item too or from an inventory type that can't be equipped from.
* Adjusted the sell prices on the PvP Items.
* Fixed a bug with the Bloodcrest Bracers making the lower arm transparent.
* Fixed layering issue with the male Tasset of the Martial Paragon. This should be fixed on all tiers of armor for the Conquerer.
* Fixed a bug with the Hammersteel bracers making the lower arm transparent.
* Fixed a bug with the Dark Templars Chestguard of the Wicked (PvP Armor) that would make holes in your character.
* PVP shield Skirmisher's Sanctum and Skirmisher's Great Shield have had their shininess toned down, they no longer look like they are glowing.
* Each of the three tiers of the bricks, girders, ornaments, and planks will now cost 10 resources each. (changes to cost from previous patch 2.13 are reverted)

* Mounting rhinos while having your weapons drawn should now work.
* When you dismount a horse, your regular runspeed will always be applied.
* Using your mount as a weapon should no longer gain bonuses from effects that were intended to only affect the player. As an example a Assassin "ordering" it's horse to bite someone should no longer deal poison damage if Poison Stance is active.
* Mounts should now properly deal siege damage. Horses are also doing siege damage, but rhinos and mammoths will still be a bit more efficient.
* All attacks from siege mounts should do siege damage (including normal arrow attacks)
* Mounted players will no longer stand up on top of their mounts after getting knocked back when too close to damaged siege buildings
* Using your mount as a weapon should no longer gain bonuses from effects that were intended to only affect the player. As an example a Assassin "ordering" it's horse to bite someone should no longer deal poison damage if Poison Stance is active.
* Characters jumping while moving on horseback will no longer freeze when they land if they let go of the movement keys before landing

* Removed long range bows from NPCs.
* Npcs will not try to attack players that have left the playfield anymore.
* (Eiglophian Mountains) Chief Uruk'A has dinged, and is now a higher level!
* (Imirian Ravine) Blade Champion Krol should now reset properly.
* (Imirian Ravine) Deatheater Setmorpok has had his name changed to Deatheater Setkanh.
* (Kheshatta) Scorpion Archers should now behave normally, and exit stealth when agroed.
* (Kheshatta) Selkhetite Archer spells damage has been changed, and has been nerfed to proper values. They should also no longer bypass damage deflection (Such as PoM Hand of Mitra)
* (Scorpion Cave) Scorpion Abomination should now regenerate health less frequently.
* (Tarantia Noble) Fading Black horses should now have animations.
* (Tarantia Noble) Aviton's pants are no longer clipping with his tunic.
* (Tarantia Noble) The Nemedian Archers have decided to use arrows again.
* The spell Sabazio's Constriction cast by the Blood Constrictors in the Sabazios encounter will now damage players as intended.
* Agroed deer should once again have animations while chasing you.
* Yetis have had their textures corrected.
* Gameplay in the Tarantia Noble Disctrict Villas has been updated.
* Bosses in the Main System are no longer mezzable.
* Har-Shebesh should no longer become passive in some rare situations.
* (Lacheish Plains) Farghan no longer has looping dialog.
* Emotes and camera angles have been implemented to all 11 tradeskill dialogs.
* The player city guides will no longer give you the option to teleport to your guild city if you are not in a guild.
* Npc's will not try to attack players that have left the playfield anymore.
* [Fight Club]: Marlia the Cimmerian have had her abilities tweaked.
* Some NPC's in Noble District will now walk around statues rather than over them.
* Arachnid Worker: Reduced the damage and proc rate of his poison proc.
* The Niflerus NPC's should aggro properly.
* The player city guides will no longer give you the option to teleport to your guild city if you are not in a guild.
* Drunken Pirates have had their bandanas personally fitted for their heads.
* PvP Vendors can be found in Lion's Market of Old Tarantia. There are shops in Khemi and Conarch Village where you can find the PvP Vendors as well.
* The NPC's Adofo and Abasir have no longer the use gear icon on them when the user hovers over them.
* The quest NPCs Sheana, Raelina and Fendaen will now display quest markers when they have available quests.
* Have placed a new mob in Khemi called Recruiter Nadik that will teleport players to a pvp area.
* Yakhmar now casts "Blizzard" and no longer steals spells from Kylikki.
* The Gurnakhi Honorguard should no longer randomly reset.
* Asapon will now correctly spawn at all times outside the Atlantean Cave.
* Wagoner Manan wil now take you to Atzel's Approach at level 56.
* Made changes to the NPC Combo, Death Whirlwind.

"An die dumme Stirne gehört als Argument von Rechts wegen die geballte Faust."
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
(George Orwell)


  • Architect of Negativity
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Re: Patchnotes nächster Woche
« Antwort #2 am: 07:39:13 ,11 September 2008 »

Massive PVP
* You will no longer incorrectly learn a siege camp resurrection point when you are not in a guild.
* Ballistas will now properly despawn after a tower is destroyed.
* You can now attacking Siege Buildings with melee, spells, and siege weapons.
* Several collision fixes done for Battlekeep buildings.
* The gate will now display a message when the damaged state is preventing you from opening it.
* City gates are now functional until the gate is heavily damaged.
* The city gate will no longer receive an extra lever after repairing it.
* It's no longer impossible to repair a destroyed city gate.
* Can now attacking Siege Buildings with melee, spells, and siege weapons.
* When a siege battle starts the defending guild will now properly discover their battlekeep ressurection point.
* Your siege weapons should no longer continuously say: "Your siege weapon is unable to fire at the current location!"
* Player City Guards will now detect hidden enemy players.
* The Attacking guild will now properly get the siege camp resurrection point when the vulnerability window opens.
* Fixed a bug that kept Vulnerability Windows open outside their allotted time.
* The city gate will no longer recieve an extra lever after repairing it.
* It's no longer impossible to repair a destroyed city gate.
* You should no longer get teleported out of the playfield when you leave your group in the Border Kingdoms.
* Battle Keep guards should no longer get confused about who to attack during a siege.
* If under attack while you have the Shield of the Risen active, out of combat regeneration and resting are no longer interrupted. This stops a griefing technique where spawn campers could stop you regenerating.
* Defending guild mercenaries can no longer gain points by killing attacking players.
* The new Channel "Siege Scores" will display point gain in siege combat.
* Siege weapons are now immune from fatalities.
* Building points gained by mercenaries will be rewarded to attacking guild as intended in the first place.
* Attacking siege buildings with melee/ranged or unarmed will show correct damage on the client.
* Changed the Ballista to use the correct spell.
* Changed the Ballista Hit spell to not hit players.
* Players are now dismounted when they are knocked out of city buildings.
* Guard Lieutenant is now a normal boss.
* Guards will now hit for a more normal amount.
* Guards will now take longer breaks during patrols.

* All members of a murderous group now receive the full penalty, instead of sharing it.
* Minigames - You will no longer be able to have different tier players in your team when your team joins a match.
* Minigames - Buffs for carrying the Skull have been renamed to 'Carrying Skull.'
* PvP XP is now only given if the opponent player is above gray con to you ( ie. no more than 7 levels below you or higher, and cons a color to you).
* Murderpoints are now given if the player you kill is more than 7 levels below you. (ie. that player cons gray to you).
* If under attack while you have Shield of the Risen active, out of combat regeneration is no longer stopped. This stops a griefing technique where spawn campers could stop you regenerating.
* Grouping or trading with criminals will reset your criminal timer.
* PvP levels gained will be shown as an onscreen message.
* PvP damage has been further tweaked to do less DPS than the damage done in PvE.
* If under attack while you have the Shield of the Risen active, out of combat regeneration and resting are no longer interrupted. This stops a griefing technique where spawn campers could stop you regenerating.
* The hour duration note no longer appears in the Criminal debuff tooltip.
* Spells with multiple game actions no longer flag you as a criminal if they break the stealth of the target.
* PvP XP is given if the player you kill is higher than 8 levels below you (Coloured conned)
* Murderpoints is given is the player you kill is lower than 7 levels below you (Grey conned)
* Leaders of innocent groups are warned when inviting a criminal.
* Innocent players are warned when being invited to a criminal group.
* Team members are notified when a team member performs a hostile action that will flag the team as criminal.
* Grouping or trading with criminals will reset your criminal timer.
* PvP health/mana/stamina taps will now be displayed as intended in tooltips.
* All members of a murderous group now receive the full penalty, instead of sharing it.
* You should now get a on screen message stating "You gained a new PVP level!" whenever you gain a pvp level.
* Team Propagated Criminal debuffs will now take 1 minute to propagate.
* If under attack while you have the Shield of the Risen active, out of combat regeneration and resting are no longer interrupted. This stops a griefing technique where spawn campers could stop you regenerating.
* Diminishing returns for killing the same character multiple times per day.
* Adjusted the leveling curve for pvp levels.
* PvP XP diminishes linearly each time you kill the same player. After 5 kills you will no longer receive PvP XP from killing that player, until the following day.
* PvP XP is now split between all attacking groups and individuals, based on their relative damage.

* All minigame team displays use the small person icon now.
* Diminishing returns on PvP XP no longer applies to players in PvP MiniGames.

Destiny Quest (Priest)
* Awakening II: Defend the townsfolk - Waymarker changed to an area waymarker so it's easier to spot.

Destiny Quest (Rogue)
* Awakening III: The Tortage Keep instance has been revamped slightly.
* Awakening III: Ulric should no longer sleep with his eyes open.

General Quest
* (Atzel's Approach) War Standard - Should have a slightly more interesting quest ending.
* (Atzel's Approach) Kidnapping and Torture - Added feedback when interacting with the last palisade.
* (Conarch Village) Rotten Molars - The drop rate on teeth has been changed. Now 2-4 teeth will drop per mob.
* (Eiglophian Mountains) Flowers of the Snow - Corrected waypoint for returning to Nola.
* (Eiglophian Mountains) Rithrall will now speak to the player in the quest 'Convincing the Hunter'.
* (Field of the Dead) The Price of Treason - Quest item added.
* (Field of the Dead) The Rescue of Isobail II - Now has a more accurate waypoint.
* (Field of the Dead) The Curse of the Werewolves - Now has a larger area waypoint.
* (Kheshatta) Grim Grey God - Added animations for interacting with the sarcophagi and pedestals.
* (Kheshatta) "Heady Kaphil Liquor", "The Spice in the Sand", and "Anuket Spring Water" quests have had item respawn rates tweaked.
* (Kheshatta) The Abomination - Item rewards will now be given out correctly.
* (Khopshef) The Aberration - Hamadi should now patrol correctly at all times.
* (Khopshef ) The Dead Devotee of Derketo should no longer be selectable when you are not on the quest.
* (Khopshef) The Slave Rebellion - The cage key will now drop correctly.
* (Scorpion Cave) Quest "The Four Accursed Keys" has had it's goal coordinates set properly.
* (Tarantia Noble) Catus for the quest "Nobles of Tarantia" has been moved, and the quest coordinates updated.
* (Thunder River) Moonshine - An Empty Bottle will now be spawned in the player's quest inventory when starting the quest.
* (Thunder River) The Kitten - The bottle of milk now has an icon. Also, the cat now correctly patrols and eventually despawns
* (Villa Verde) The quest "Noble Valuables" has been changed. Vandal Despoilers will drop the loot bags now.
* (White Sands) Garden of Cursed Mysteries can no longer be completed outside the search area.
* (Conall's Valley) The Gambler's Gambit - The collision in the Spider Cavern has been fixed, and it is once again possible to pick up the debt money to finish this quest.
* (Destiny Quest - Priest) Awakening II - The Red Hand Inquisitor Leader will no longer spawn above level 20.
* (Destiny Quest - Rogue) Awakening I - You should now be able to stealth without every guard spotting you.
* (Destiny Quest - End Battle) The Red Hand High Priest will no longer spawn above level 20.
* (Khopshef) The Roots of the Earth - Quest goal has been updated with correct name, Darkroot.
* (Lacheish Plains) Brandoc Village - The waymarker for this quest has been made more visible.
* (Pyramid of the Ancients) Dangers of Decadence - The key is now removed your inventory when you free Shali.
* (Tarantia Noble) Paetus and the Nemedian Crown IIII is now named Paetus and the Nemedian Crown IV.
* (Tortage Underhalls) Gold and Gore - Looting rings from corpses should work correctly.
* Tongue of the Raven: Charad now dies much faster after poisoning him
* Atzels Approach: The quest "The Crown of Acheron" will no longer mention the Bane spell in the journal text, as only Mages and Priests are able to get it.
* In the Thunder River quest "Absolute War", the quest goal now tells the player to talk to Pavo. And the waypoint is correct.
* Master of Gargoyles: Changed "Kill Excorant" to "Defeat Excorant"
* In the Eiglophian Mountains quest 'Enemies No More', Nera now gives the player the boots when the trade updates.
* In the Eiglophian Mountains quest 'The Blood-Furred Beast' we haveincreased the radius of the bounded area that triggers the locate, reduced the area the mammoth roam within.
* Khopshef Province: Quest "The Troubles of Thutmekri": Players should no longer have any problems with not being able to interact with friendly NPCs after killing quest targets.
* Added 13 new quests to Eiglophian Mountains
* Wild Lands of Zelata, quest "Curse of Flies": This quest has gotten a small overhaul. A quest goal marker has been added, and the Acheronian Chest should now work as intended.
* Eiglophian Mountains: Quest "Wolves and Lambs": The door on the cage inside the Cannibal Cave should now actually open when the player frees the captive children
* Conall's Valley - The Lurking Horror: Quest now has a waymarker leading to the Spider Cavern.

* Added feedback to the guild bank when not enough money to withdraw.
* The item delete on the guild should now show the name of the item.
* Seller search field is no longer case sensitive.
* Added a Cancel button when adding or removing money from guild bank
* Mail: Changed the sorting of the columns, now it should be possible to sort properly on each one.
* After deleting a mail the view now jumps to the next available mail (if any) instead of displaying the compose view again.
* Mail: The money field is now hidden if there is no money attached, shows the amount otherwise.
* Mail: Changed timeout format from displaying a date to displaying the remaining days.
* Added Seller Price and tradepost fee to the item tooltip.
* Updated the mail text gotten from the Tradepost.
* It is now possible so search for items using Item Rarity.
* Added Times out column to the Search results list on tradepost.
* Added Times out field to the Item tooltip on tradepost.
* Items on sale at the tradepost will now expire after 3 days if they have not been sold, and will no longer show on the tradepost after expiring.
* Tradepost item listings will now last 7 days.

* Slotted gems should now appear in armor consistently, even after zoning.
* "Padparasha" gems have been renamed "Padparadscha".
* The tradeskill merchant Graehm in Lacheish will now sell Common Thread.
* Resource & Gathering: The chance to get rare resources from tier 1 and tier 2 resource nodes has been increased.
* Teardrop Amethyst now requires the correct gem, Flawless Amethyst.
* Reduced the bonuses granted by all Invulnerability, Evade, Fatality, Offhand Chance, and Damage gems by a significant amount.
* Alchemist Cache no longer contains the easily accessible vendor-bought resources.
* The Skinner dialog now works,and resolves the quests to allow you to continue in the class.
* Larozzo should now show that he has a tradeskill quest for the players.
* Armorsmith: Moonsteel-Studded Armband, Girdle and Bracers now use the proper quality leather to make.
* Weaponsmith: Swapped around the names of the goals in the Tier 2 Weaponsmith "Swords" quest so that they accurately reflect the items whose creation they are updated by.
* Some of the jewelcrafting quests will no longer tell you that you need a thieves guild building to make the items.
* Fixed message when failing to harvest Aurichalcum.
* Emotes and camera angles have been implemented to all 11 tradeskill dialogues.
* Leather resources have now a chance to drop of wildlife mobs at all level ranges (lvl 20-80).
* Fixed typos in the Alchemist dialogue.
* Ironsilk Cloak and Fine Ironsilk CLoak now require armorsmith workshops
* Corrected some armosmith items in requiring the Armorsmith Workshop III
* Architect: The costs of tier 2 and tier 3 building materials has been reevaluated and adjusted.
* The Bloodsilver Broadsword now require 6 copper to make in addition to the hilt and silver components.
* Gems can no longer be added to items from bank or guild bank. Only from the backpack and tradeskill inventories.
* All tradeskill bows should have 20 meter base range. Additional range are added as item modifications.
* Crafted items will now display "This Item was created by <CreatorName>".

* Atzel's Fortress has been re-textured and re-lit.
* (Poitain) Rocks near buildings can no longer be scaled.
* (Tarantia Noble) Several texture issues on buildings were corrected.
* (Tarantia Noble) The climbing point in Villa Amiel is now functional.
* (Tarantia Noble) It should no longer be possible to clip your camera through the wall in the Catacombs.
* (Tarantia Noble) Both Torches and Braziers have had their names fixed.
* (Tarantia Noble) Numerous collision fixes done here to improve movement through areas.
* (Tortage) The Seadog Mansion now has a proper roof.
* (Tortage) Added some fish in the ocean outside the beach.
* (Tortage) The Coastal Caves have been revamped to make it easier to find your way around.
* (Tortage) All ladders should be usable and work correctly.
* (Tortage Night) Players should no longer be able to climb outside the playfield.
* (Wild Lands) Fireplace flame effects should no longer be visible on house floors.
* (Purple Lotus Swamp) The ladder near the armorsmith trainer in Purple Lotus Swamp is now properly climbable.
* (Catacombs) Fixed various camera and collision issues.
* (Villa Camillus) Fixed some missing textures.
* (Eiglohpian Mountains) Fixed some issues of getting stuck in some areas.
"An die dumme Stirne gehört als Argument von Rechts wegen die geballte Faust."
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
(George Orwell)


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Re: Patchnotes nächster Woche
« Antwort #3 am: 10:50:26 ,16 September 2008 »

"Product Manager Erling Ellingsen zeigt im heute exklusiv auf GameStar.de zu sehenden Video neben den neuen Abenteuerregion »Ymir Pass« (Stufe 30-40) und dem Armenviertel von Tarantia auch neue Instanzen. So dürfen die Spieler demnächst das »Amphitheater« (Stufe 60+), das Haus des Chrom (Stufe 80) und ein neues Gewölbe unterhalb der Donnerfluss-Region erkunden. Diese sollen mehr Skriptsequenzen als bisher bieten und dadurch besser Geschichten erzählen. Als Beute winken darin und im kommenden PvP-Update epische Ausrüstungsgegenstände."

Anstatt zu klagen, was ihr wollt, solltet ihr dankbar sein, dass ihr nicht all das bekommt, was ihr verdient.


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Re: Patchnotes nächster Woche
« Antwort #4 am: 22:27:38 ,16 September 2008 »

Lisertan seez: "Alle Tests sind abgeschlossen. Wir werden morgen früh Patchen."
"An die dumme Stirne gehört als Argument von Rechts wegen die geballte Faust."
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
(George Orwell)