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Die beste Meldung seit langem, aus

--- Zitat ---Damit Ihr für den kommenden Schlachtzug besonders gut vorbereitet seid, erhaltet Ihr künftig mehr Ruf bei bestimmten Fraktionen und verschickt fraktionsgebundene Kopf- und Schulterverzauberungen ganz einfach per Post an Eure Twinks, um diesen das Ruffarmen zu ersparen.
--- Ende Zitat ---

Söhne Hodirs & Co.: Ihr könnt mich mal!! ;D

Will of the Forsaken now shares a 45-second cooldown with similar effects, including the Medallion of the Horde, Titan-Forged runes, Insignia of the Horde, etc. (Quelle WoW Forum)

Und das kurze Zeit nach Freigabe des Rassenwechsels ;)

Das ist so lächerlich ... Gut, dass EMfH bleibt, wie es ist, zumal in Kombination mit Perception, Extra-Expertise für Kolben und Schwerter. Höhere Willenskraft und Repgrinding um 10% erleichtert haben Menschen ja auch noch.

WotF ist nur noch ein Witz: Von permanenter Immunität, über 20 auf 5 Sekunden Immunität reduziert. Mit WotLK dann Immunität ganz abgeschafft und jetzt überhaupt nicht mehr nutzbar. Naja, bleibt ja noch ein extra Verband (falls irgendwo Leichen rumliegen), die Schattenresi und Unterwasseratmung.

"He begins by saying that he wishes that the servers had been more stable at launch, and that there had been more of them, but he says that in terms of design, Arenas were the single biggest mistake in WoW's history.

Says Pardo:

'We didn't engineer the game and classes and balance around it, we just added it on, so it continues to be very difficult to balance. Is WoW a PvE cooperative game, or a competitive PvP game? There's constant pressure on the class balance team, there's pressure on the game itself, and a lot of times players who don't PvP don't understand why their classes are changing. I don't think we ever foresaw how much tuning and tweaking we'd have to do to balance it in that direction.'

Pardo indicates that most of the changes to the game since launch have been a success -- the shrinking of raid sizes, the addition of Heroic dungeons, etc -- but that Arena has been a huge headache for Blizzard and players alike. He goes on to say that if he had the choice, he'd either go back to WoW's beginnings and change the fundamentals of class balance, or, barring that, would nix the decision to add Arenas during the development of the Burning Crusade expansion.

A pretty candid statement about a pretty controversial topic. It's good to see that Blizzard understands that the implementation of Arenas was a mistake for a game like WoW. Of course, Pardo also says that they can't just axe Arenas completely, at least not yet, so we may be stuck with them for a while. Sorry about your PvE burst damage, guys." (Quelle:

Das komplette und äußerst lesenswerte - und viele meiner Vorurteile über die Leaddesigner bestätigende - Interview gibts hier:


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